Bob in the Basement is a site that features book summaries that go beyond reviews. It's sort of a Cliff's Notes - Bob's Notes - of fiction and non-fiction that I find interesting.  People like my take on the books because they can get a good ida of what the author wrote without having to actually read the book.  

There also is a section of pictures of political figures that I took when I was doing that for a living. Tip O'Neill and Ted Kennedy grace the pages as do many other pols.

Bob in the Basement started in June of 2020, when the COVID pandemic was changing our lives. The world we knew was disrupted for all and upended for many. Sending out a weekly newsletter/curation added an edge to what was a soft schedule of things I to do while we were locked down. Having a to meet a deadline every week to create something that people enjoyed gave me a goal that I have to accomplish. It motivated me to do work that I enjoy. As COVID calmed down, I cut down my work to doing this every two weeks,

Bob in the Basement in boston image