Back in the spring of 2020, I was just as blindsided by the pandemic as anybody. While I was still doing some work, there was a lot of empty space in my to-do list. I started sending out a curated email that talked a bit about what I was doing. To make it actually interesting, each week I summarized a book that I had found interesting. People liked to get a handle on a book without having to actually read it, so I continued to write and send out overviews of various books.
Every two weeks, I produce a potpourri of words that give readers access to book reviews, analysis of current issues, interesting videos, and pictures that I have taken that can open up new vistas to viewers.
But by March of 2020, many of us knew that a lot was changing. Our work lives moved to virtual digital spaces and our social lives were put on hold. It was a bit scary but It was also pretty boring. Life has improved dramatically since then.
While the world has learned how to live with COVID, we still face very trying challenges. Political systems across the globe are under stress. Digital media like Facebook and Twitter are just as likely to put out misinformation as real information. Many people all over the ideological spectrum have battened down in their information cocoons that allow no dissenting opinions.
People like books but just don't have the time read too many. These summaries give you a pretty good idea of what's going on in the book without having to read it.